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Uma ofensa é uma ação considerada errada ou inaceitável, abrangendo desde violações legais até transgressões de normas sociais. Pode ser intencional ou não intencional, causando damage[2], insulto ou indignação. As ofensas são categorizadas em criminais, morais, sociais e pessoais, cada uma com consequências distintas. Ofensas criminais podem resultar em penalidades legais, enquanto ofensas sociais podem levar a danos de reputação ou exclusão. A prevenção envolve educação, communication[1] clara e estabelecimento de padrões de conduta. Ações defensivas, retaliação e perdão[3] são respostas comuns a ofensas. O impacto de uma ofensa depende da sua gravidade e contexto, podendo afetar relações, confiança e bem-estar emocional. Compreender e mitigar comportamentos ofensivos requer consciência das expectativas sociais, limites pessoais e dinâmicas interpessoais.

Terms definitions
1. communication. Communication is a complex process of exchanging information through signs, symbols and technological channels. Evolving from oral and written forms to digital platforms, it encompasses various modes, including verbal, non-verbal and mediated communication. Emerging at the beginning of the 20th century, communication theory explores the structure and social meaning of human interaction in different contexts, such as interpersonal, organisational and intercultural domains. Semiotics plays a crucial role in understanding how thoughts and feelings are transformed into comprehensible signs. Technological advances, particularly computers and social networks, continue to reshape communication processes, moving from traditional mass media to collaborative networks. The field draws insights from humanistic disciplines such as philosophy, sociology and psychology, examining communication as a dynamic social phenomenon that reflects human connectivity and the exchange of information.
2. damage. Damage is a legal concept originating from the Latin word "damnum", referring to the harm caused to legally protected goods or interests. It covers material, moral, economic, psychological and reputational impacts resulting from civil or criminal acts. Modern legal interpretation has expanded beyond traditional naturalistic perspectives, seeking more comprehensive compensation for various forms of damage. Valuation involves quantifying losses through repair costs, market value, expert testimony and financial projections. Legal measures include monetary compensation, restitution, injunctions, punitive damages and rehabilitation measures. The evolving framework aims to address complex damage scenarios, recognising tangible and intangible consequences, balancing the need for fair and comprehensive resolution of damages.
Offence (Wikipedia)

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